Aurora is a very well known line of inks. For what seemed as long as I can remember, the company produced it's ink in two colours: black and blue. Then, they issued their ink in blue-black. These three colours make up what has been the company's regular line of ink.
Then in 2019, to celebrate Aurora's 100th anniversary they produced a special line of inks. The range of colours come in a 60 ml bottle. The colours included: red, turquoise, blue, sepia, green, white, purple, gray and black. The inks come in a distinctive 60 mlglass bottle. The long neck of the bottle should make it easier to fill your pen.
This ink is famous. For many, this is considered one of the best black inks available. The ink has a deep dark rich tone - a very saturated colour. In addition to the dark tone, the ink has good flow. I like to take a bottle of this ink with me on my travels. It is a good bold black, and I like the small bottle for travels. It nicely fits within my travel journal case. A word about the bottle. It is excellent in that it is relatively narrow and tall. This makes filling pens with large nibs much easier than shallow bottles where filling is an art of getting the nib to fully submerged in the ink.
This ink is often described as a true blue black. Like most inks, the tone will differ depending on the width of the nib used. Dry time is little longer than some inks. It needs well over 20 seconds before the ink dry and will not create a smudge line. Of course that depends on the nib used (amount of ink on the paper) and the type of paper (how much/quickly the ink is absorbed).
I like Aurora Blue, however, there is a purpe tone to the colour.
Well known Aurora Black.
Aurora Blue Black was launched a number of years ago and their first move from making only two colours. I have liked the ink. From comments expressed by others the ink may dry up in pens when not used reguarly.
The anniversary colours come in a stylish 55 ml bottle in Black, Blue, Blue Black, Turquoise, Purple, Red, Gray, Sepia, Orange and Green. There are images of a slightly different bottle shown on some web sites, and those bottles have a small Aurora logo and the bottles indicate they hold 60 ml of ink.